Based on Oct. 28th presidential speech, you will find below a translated list of authorized activities.

This may evolve after governmental next announcements

– Preschool –

Remain open

– Primary schools –

Remain open

– Colleges –

Remain open

– High schools –

Remain open

– Universities –

The courses will be done online

– Nurseries –

Remain open

– Ehpad, retirement homes –

Visits remain possible in strict compliance with barrier gestures

– Bars, cafes, restaurants –

Closure of all bars, cafes and restaurants

– Weddings, private meetings –

Weddings, private meetings must be canceled

– Burials –

Funeral ceremonies are not affected by the assembly restrictions

– Major public events, fairs, exhibitions –

Large public gatherings must be pushed back

– Fresh food Markets –

Remain open

– Essential shops –

Essential businesses can remain open (food stores, repair shops, tobacconists, hotels, banks, laundries, interim agencies, gas pumps, pharmacies, etc.)

– Non-essential businesses –

Closure of all non-essential businesses. The list of establishments concerned remains to be defined, however.

– Deliveries of meals, various products –

Remain authorized

– Public services (La Poste, Pôle Emploi, etc.) –

Remain open

– Cinemas, theaters, concert halls –

Closure of all cinemas, theaters and concert halls

– Professional sports meetings –

Remain authorized but matches will be behind closed doors

– Parks, gardens –

Remain open

– Public transport (bus, trams, metro, trains …) –

Remain accessible

– Taxis, VTC –

Remain accessible

– Trips outside his region –

Forbidden, except during the weekend of All Saints’ Day to return home

– Walk around his home –

It is possible to “take the air” one hour a day within the limit of one kilometer around your home

– Teleworking –

Telework is encouraged

– Wearing the mask –

Recommended everywhere, even in the private sphere


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